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Kubra Khademi: Werkvortrag

Foto: Céline Bouquet

Der ZAD an der Kunstakademie Karlsruhe, eine Studierendengruppe, die sich gegen jede Form von Diskriminierung wendet, übernimmt pro Semester die Gestaltung eines Vortragsabends der Dienstagsreihe. Zum Vortrag am 9. Juli hat die Initiative die bekannte afghanische Künstlerin Kubra Khademi eingeladen.

Dienstag 9. Juli 2024, 19:00 Uhr

Dienstatelier Rita Vitorelli
Bildhauergarten Kunstakademie Karlsruhe
Bismarckstraße 67
76133 Karlsruhe

Kein Livestream


Kubra Khademi is an Afghan artist, performer and feminist born in 1989. Through her practice, Kubra Khademi explores her life as a refugee and a woman. She studied fine arts at Kabul University before attending Beaconhouse University in Lahore, Pakistan. In Lahore, she began creating public performances, a practice she continued upon her return to Kabul, where her work was a response to a male-dominated society with extreme patriarchal politics. 
After the execution of her performance known as Armor in 2015, she was forced to flee her home country. She was a refugee in France until she obtained French citizenship in 2020. Today, she lives and works in Paris. 
In 2016, she received an MFA Fellowship at the Pantheon and Audrey Azoulay, Minister of Culture, elevated her to the rank of Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. Nominated for the Emerige Revelations in 2019 and a 2020 winner of the 1% art market, Kubra Khademi was in residence at the Fiminco Foundation, Paris, until 2021. 
In 2022, she was in long-term residency in New York with the Salomon Foundation. In 2023, the premiere of her new performance The Golden Horizon  (افق طلائی)  has taken place at the Théâtre de la Ville, Paris. Since 2016, Latitudes Prod. accompanies the development of her artistic and performative projects.

Since 2020, her plastic work is represented by Galerie Eric Mouchet, in Paris, and has been presented in numerous venues, including Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Kunsthalle Thun, Void Contemporary Art Centre (Derry Londonderry), Pablo's birthday (New York), the Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, the Bangkok Biennale, the Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles (Paris), El Rastro (Madrid), Signal (Brussels), the Institut du Monde Arabe (Paris), the MuCEM (Marseille), the Fondation Fiminco (Romainville). 
In 2022, she designed the poster for the Avignon Festival and presented a solo exhibition at the Collection Lambert. At the same time, she presented a major solo exhibition at the Museum Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern in Germany. From October 2023 to February 2024, her works will be on show at the Ludwig Museum in Cologne alongside Pablo Picasso's Suite 156 as part of the exhibition of the same name.
